Bad Days and Sundaes

This past week was rough on me. I need a little something sweet to soften the blows. Nothing makes me feel better after dinner on a bad day than an ice cream sundae with my darling Jeremy. Remember that leftover pie crust dough sitting at the bottom of the fridge? We broke it up and put the pieces on a baking sheet in the oven at 475 degrees. DSC04840Oops! Some of it burned! That smell is impossible to eliminate from the kitchen. Okay, next time 450. Let’s not burn down the kitchen like Shady Pines.

Caramel ice cream, that’s brilliant! We made an apple pie sundae. Rainbow sprinkles are one of my staple sundae components because I love colorful edibles. After all, they were invented by the French as a decorative touch to everyday desserts. We skipped the dry sugar-made sprinkles -which don’t really work with pie- and went towards the fruit drawer. I sliced up a ripe red apple -much more appropriate for pie crust- and threw out the core.

Caramel is a browned mixture of different sugars, and butter and/or cream heated at 340 degrees. Werthers Original makes the best caramel lozenges, but Hershey does have a very appetizing caramel sauce too. But what’s the difference between caramel, butterscotch and toffee? It BOILS DOWN to a science, like this..

Guys, I’m REALLY trying to be good and not eat a ton of sugar. Even though I had a frustrating stressful day too, I don’t want to eat my feelings to try and make them go away. We’re going to skip the sauces too.

Darn it! We’re out of heavy cream to whip for the top! That’s my favorite part!! 

YAY! I won’t get whipped cream on my face! Lauren can’t be trusted not to smear whipped cream on my face. But if we don’t have whipped cream, then I can’t try and get her back. Oh, Man!! 

As much as the pie crust pieces looked like chips that could scoop up some ice cream like an edible spoon, it didn’t work out that way. Our crust was thin and flaked as we dug in. It’s easiest to use your apple slices if you don’t want to make your spoon wet and sticky.


I have to tell you, I was in HEAVEN when I took that first bite of the trio: an apple slice dipped in caramel ice cream with a pie crust piece on top! MMMMM!!!!! Lauren is a genius in the kitchen, I tell you! I could eat up her ideas all day long! Om-nom-nom! Jeremy, if we do this one again, I could bake the slices and add some cinnamon and nutmeg. You know, give it a deep filling apple pie flavor instead of just bare bones basics. What did I just tell you? She’s a GENIUS!! and she’s all mine…okay, I share her with her family.