The Hot Chocolate Bar vol 2 Day 2

Come in, come in, you’re right on time. It’s Day 2 of our 4-day after Valentine’s Day special. Just as nice at half the price! Cho and Cedric’s Sweetheart Special is today! (Abbreviate that CCSS for short-hand quill.) Imagine, malted milk chocolate with nougat bursting out the seams!IMG_20190219_103514

It’s like the muggles did back in the 1950’s for lunch dates; Ice cream sundaes, burgers and sharing a drink with 2 straws. It’s all so classic. Cedric treats Cho like a beautiful young lady. They’re sweethearts for sure. Their relationship is very traditional, from meeting at school, playful competition on the Quidditch pitch, (Well they can’t very well SHARE the snitch, hey?) to truly love everlasting and an occasional treat at Madam Puddifoot’s tea shop. 

This is how we honor the babes, darlings and treasures who fill up our lives with fuzzy feelings. First, we’ll need 3 scoops of malted milk courtesy of our house elf, Bubbly. She grows, steeps and dries out the seeds for us in the spring and summer. Next, we shave in 2 almonds. A charming Tri-wizard champion like Cedric needs protein for strength, while studious but shy Cho Chang can’t focus on her books without the fiber keeping her full just a tad longer. CAREFUL! Don’t put your fingers in the blade! 

IMG_20190219_101059A minute and a half on the heat will due just fine. Just a teaspoon of cocoa powder and almond milk to boost the magnesium and another 30 seconds over the flames will set it right. ***Here’s a secret from a cookbook down at “Flourish and Blots”: Nougat is mostly nuts, honey and egg whites, but it’s the processing that makes it irresistible. Never give it to someone with nut allergies. As Hagrid says, “They won’t thank you for that.”***

Very nice. Let’s pour in a spoonful of chocolate syrup to balance out the nuttiness. Sweethearts go mad for the endorphins in our double chocolate drinks every time. We recommend a nice 78% so it’s not too bitter in the dark or too sweet to tame. Sometimes we charge a sickle more for a teardrop of vanilla extract. The poor bean is fading into extinction out in the muggle world. Finally, we’ll whip it all together with the Flipendo spell and serve it with a caramel sundae for the lovely birds.

Quidditch fans love when we put an edible golden snitch on top. We’ve run out of those today the orders have been flying so fast, like the snitches themselves! Lauren’s dad is a muggle who took a spin around New York City where this shop makes edible golden flowers for ice cream!

You know what they say about Hufflepuffs having hearts of gold. It must be why the colors are that way for their house. 


If you’re having a bit of trouble with the apples of your eyes turning rotten, here’s a little advice from Cho about dating…